domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Alan Kay

Alan Kay, is currently a Fellow (Partner-Partner) Hewlett Packard Company and President of Viewpoints Research Institute, has made known especially for his ideas about personal computers, laptop, his invention of the window interface which are now widespread in all modern computer systems and object-oriented programming.
Every creative process has been motivated by a deep interest in the world of childhood and education.

As a founding member of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) led a group that developed the current workstations, the modern concept of the personal computer (precursor of the Macintosh), use the desktop, Ethernet, laser printers and worknetwork "client-server."

Before joining Xerox, Alan was a member of the ARPA research team at the University of Utah, who developed 3-D graphics. It was there where he earned a master's degree and doctorate (both cum laude) for his work in developing the first personal computer object-oriented graphics.

Alan graduated in mathematics and molecular biology at the University of Colorado. He also participated in the original design of the ARPANET, which later became the internet today.

Subsequently, he was chief scientist of Atari and Apple partner-collaborator, and then was vice president of Research and Development at the Walt Disney Company. In 2001 he founded Viewpoints Research Institute, a nonprofit organization located in Glendale (California). In 2002 he joined Hewlett-Packard as a partner-collaborator.

He has received numerous awards and honors, including the ACM Software Systems Award, the JD Warnier Prix D'Informatique, and the 2001 C & C Prize from NEC. He has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Society of Arts of the United States.He was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from Stockholm's KTH.

Former professional jazz guitarist, composer and theatrical designer, is also a classical performer of tubular body and lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Bonnie.

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